

UK Terrorism Threat Level Lowered To Substantial

The UK threat level from terrorism has today been reduced to Substantial – meaning an attack is likely.  The decision to lower the assessment from Severe – meaning an attack is highly likely – was made by the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC). This is an independent body of experts who evaluate available intelligence alongside terrorist capability and intentions.

Colin Jones, UK Security Manager at CEMEX, commented: “This is good news for CEMEX Operations in the UK but there is no room for complacency. Security of lorries and HGVs is particularly important, as in the wrong hands these can be a weapon. This also extends to PPE which could be used to gain access to sites and locations without the proper authority – any and all losses of this should be reported.”

Head of Counter Terrorism Policing, Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu, says: “The reduction to ‘Substantial’ indicates positive developments in reducing the threat from terrorism but still means an attack is likely.  It is vital that we all maintain a high level of vigilance and continue to invest in strong protective security measures to deter future attacks.  Police need the continued support of the public and all our partners.  The festive period is fast approaching and, coupled with an election, our towns and cities will be extremely busy. So we appeal to everyone to please remain vigilant and if you see something that doesn’t seem right, act and contact police at gov.uk/ACT. In an emergency always call 999.”

You can find out more about how the threat levels are set, what they mean and when they have changed, by visiting the Security Service MI5 website.