Future in Action

Future in Action

Bedraggled Kestrel Rehab

On doing the pre-plant checks before start up at East Leake quarry, our Quarry Operative, Grenville Roberts-Gunn, reported he had found a Kestrel on the quarry floor and it looked injured.  Quarry Manager, Alan Smith, told him to wrap it in a clean cloth and place it in a box and bring it to his office. He was also told to make sure he had gloves on!

Alan phoned his friend who is an experienced falconer for advice.  The Kestrel was placed in the Manager’s office in a dark warm place and it didn’t seem to have any injuries.

After about an hour the Kestrel came out the box and flew onto a flip chart.  It was ok but exhausted, and not in any distress.  It perched there for three hours as its feathers seemed to be drying out.  Alan slowly walked over to the bird and it successfully flew out the door.

A great result in saving one of our most beautiful birds of prey.  Well done to the team for their Kestrel rescue skills!!!