The Bumblebee Conservation Trust (BBCT) would like to survey and monitor Bumblebees on working and restored Quarry sites. To do this they need Bumblebee Champions, Site Managers or staff keen to become Bee Walkers. The BBCT would train the Bee Walkers to identify bees on their site. If you would like to be a Bee Walker on your site more information can be found at or contact Sam Tarrant on 07540012643.
Sam Tarrant, our RSPB Biodiversity Officer comments: “Quarries are ideally placed to help us monitor Bees. Over the past two years I have seen and experienced first-hand how Quarries can provide fantastic habit for Bees. Recently at the Dove Holes Quarry site we have been working together to find a way for our BeeWalk volunteer, Tony Moss, to start monitoring and recording Bumblebees on their active site that does not involve risk to life and limb. Our recent visit allowed us to set up what is probably the first BeeWalk on an active Quarry site. On a cool day in April, in what looked like a fairly bland grass field (soon to become a wildflower meadow), we counted 5 Queen Bees – they are out there waiting to be counted!
We would also like to create some fabulous case studies of Quarry sites that have become Bumblebee havens – maybe even the first Bumblebee Nature Reserve, by creating and managing habitat for Bumblebees. We are starting a project in Derbyshire, Pollinating the Peak, which will involve landowners and operators throughout the Peak District. This would be a perfect opportunity to demonstrate your Bumblebee credentials!”
With Nature after Minerals (NAM), BBCT has produced two factsheets: ‘Managing active mineral sites for Bumblebees’ and ‘Managing mineral site restoration for Bumblebees’. Both of these factsheets are provided free and can be downloaded from the BBCT website here:
So, this is a call to action and your chance to save the sound of summer….. contact Sam Tarrant on 07540012643 or email to find out more or if you want your site to be a Bee haven.