Future in Action

Future in Action

Circular Economy | Material Recovery in the UK Business

As you know, enhancing the sustainability of our operations, through our Future in Action programme, is a key strategic priority for the business.

The latest stage of this in the UK business is the launch of our dedicated strategy group focused on material recovery, to support a circular economy. This project team was initially named Valo in Action, but is now known as the Circular Economy team, in line with our Future in Action pillars.

What is a circular economy?

  • The circular economy is a model of production and consumption, which involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as long as possible. This extends the life cycle of products.
  • When a product reaches the end of its life, its materials are kept within the economy wherever possible. These can be productively used again and again, thereby creating further value and reducing waste to a minimal.
  • This is a departure from the traditional, linear economic model, which is based on a take-make-consume-throw away pattern. This model relies on large quantities of cheap, easily accessible materials and energy.

What is the UK business doing to support this?

  • Implementation of our strategic solution for material recovery – e.g., the use of recycled materials in our products.
  • The promotion of circular economy principles – where products and materials are kept in use for as long as possible.

Why is this important?

  • It supports our Future in Action program and helps achieve our sustainability objectives.
  • Aggregate reserves are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain – increasing the use of recycled materials in our products will help replenish our reserves and protect the business into the long-term.
  • The construction industry produces a huge amount of waste – construction, demolition and excavation accounted for an astonishing 62% of the UK’s total waste in 2018, according to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Who is part of the strategy group?

  • The UK’s Circular Economy group is made up of representatives from Materials, Sustainability, Business Development and Social Impact.

What is happening next?

  • The team are exploring ways to increase the use of recycled materials in our business. This includes identifying quick wins and enhancements to work that is already underway.
  • They will share regular updates over the coming months – watch this space!

If you have any questions contact Stephen Sheller or Michael Haines.