Future in Action

Future in Action

Don’t Forget The CEMEX UK Sustainability Awards!

Following the success of the 2016 Sustainability Award scheme, the UK Sustainability team are pleased to open entries for the 2017 awards.

Once again, the scheme is open to all business areas including offices, and there are a number of categories you can enter.

As in 2016 we hope to capture and importantly recognise the many great initiatives and best practices that you are undertaking, and also use them for external award entries, our social media platforms and CEMEX global reporting.

We very much hope you will participate and have made entering easy by use of the UK Sustainability CDM. The link is below, along with a few slides with additional details on the categories and how to enter.

Following your useful feedback, we have opened the entries earlier this year and will accept entries during a longer period until the end of September. The results will be revealed in the last quarter once the judging panel has concluded.


If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Sustainability Department on

01788 517320. We look forward to seeing and sharing your efforts in due course!

Good luck and best wishes from the Sustainability and Energy team.