Future in Action

Future in Action

Environmental Briefing – ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 Certificates

The latest Environmental Briefing is about our ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 certificates, as well as Environmental and Energy policies.

During 2023 we successfully achieved ISO 50001 across the majority of our sites, and we successfully retained our ISO 14001 certification. Please find copies of the current certificates and Sustainability policies on the Sustainability SharePoint page  here. Please note the previous ISO 14001 certificate has now expired.

Many sites capture evidence of communication of environmental briefings for the purposes of showing continued training and awareness as part of the Cemex EMS. The Communication Form here can be used for this purpose.

If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Sustainability team. We would appreciate it if you can distribute further as you feel relevant.

You can view the Environmental Briefing on the UK News download page: here