Future in Action

Future in Action

Green Gables Lend-A-Hand For Rail

CEMEX Rail Solutions Somercotes approached Green Gables Disabled Old Peoples Home based in Alfreton to offer help through their Lend-A-Hand days.Lend a hand - Alfreton 2 resizedThe Home were very pleased to accept the offer of help and informed them they needed a boundary fence repainting and some general gardening doing as this would improve the outside areas for the residents during the warmer weather.

The Team arrived with paint and brushes in hand and spent the day painting one of the boundary fences and carrying out some general gardening.  All who worked on this day enjoyed the opportunity to help their local community. The Management and staff at Green Gables have been very appreciative and have already asked us if we can help again on the 19th June and we will be only too happy to do so. We would like to thank Forward Industrial Supplies for supplying paint brushes and spray bottles.