Future in Action

Future in Action

Help Support The UK Sepsis Trust

Dig deep and show some support to Mike Greer, CEMEX UK’s Energy Manager, who is taking on an incredible challenge later this year to raise money for the UK Sepsis Trust.

Over two days in June Mike will be completing a 100km (62 mile) Ultra Marathon in the Lake District (yes this will also be very hilly); the plan is to run the first day and then run, walk, crawl the second.

Mike explains: “I have never really done anything like this before but for a number of years I have wanted to complete an event to raise awareness and fundraise for the UK Sepsis Trust.

Sepsis is known as the silent killer and claims on average 44,000 lives a year in the UK alone. I personally had no idea of the symptoms of Sepsis until a friend on my Facebook (a former CEMEX employee) experienced a tragic loss and he and his family campaigned to help others understand the symptoms and what to look out for, which has inspired me to do this challenge and to help spread awareness of the symptoms among my family and friends.

Sepsis is an indiscriminate condition and what surprised me about it is it can develop from what could be considered relatively minor infections (e.g. UTIs, lung infections).  Sepsis is a reaction to an infection in which the body attacks its own organs and tissues. If not spotted and treated quickly, it can rapidly lead to organ failure. The numbers are staggering — every year in the UK 250,000 people are affected by sepsis; 44,000 people die because of sepsis and 60,000 suffer permanent, life changing after-effects.

If you are able to donate to the UK Sepsis Trust it would be much appreciated, however, if not please take a moment to look over the odd poster I put up around the office which will explain the key symptoms to look out for.”

When it comes to Sepsis, awareness is key, so if you know someone who is on antibiotics, has a fever/flu like symptoms and becomes very unwell, ask yourself could it be Sepsis?

Symptoms in Children

Breathing very fast, has a fit or convulsion, looks mottled, bluish or pale, has a rash that does not fade when you press it, is lethargic or difficult to wake, feels abnormally cold to touch, has not passed urine for a day.

Symptoms in Adults

Slurred speech or confusion, extreme shivering or muscle pain, passed no urine in a day, severe breathlessness, illness so bad they fear they are dying, skin mottled or discoloured.

 Sponsor Mike here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/michael-greer3