Future in Action

Future in Action

Latest UK Environmental Briefing – Procurement – NSS & Lyreco Ordering

The latest Environmental Briefing is about changes to PPE and Stationery orders through NSS and Lyreco, respectively.

These changes are being made to help reduce carbon emissions by reducing unnecessary delivery journeys. This is a joint briefing being sent out with the Procurement team.

From 1st June, NSS orders will change to a single weekly delivery per site, reducing to fortnightly next year, and Lyreco orders will change to a single monthly delivery per site, on the last Thursday of each month. Additional details can be found in the briefing including information about urgent requirements.

Many sites capture evidence of communication of environmental briefings for the purposes of showing continued training and awareness as part of the Cemex EMS.

You can find the briefing document on the UK News download page: here

If you have any questions, please contact Ellen Huang in the Procurement team.