Future in Action

Future in Action

Making Cement Is A Piece Of Cake!

Last week Richard Boult, Commercial Technical Manager, attended Northlands Primary School in Rugby to talk to years 5 and 6 (9-11 year olds) about his role at CEMEX and what he does at the Cement Plant.

Richard continues: “To make it fun for the kids I drew parallels between our kiln and a volcano (heat, redness etc) and also between the process of making cement and baking (fine powders, mixing and combining with heat, we made a microwave sponge cake during the talk).

The children spent all day dressed up in an outfit for the job they wanted to do when they were older, had to clock in and out, and some of them had to apply for jobs and have mock ‘interviews’.

The day was arranged by the Deputy Head Teacher at Northlands, Sam Carter, and a charity called The Edge Foundation who run programmes to allow children to get an insight into the world of work. There were over 20 volunteers involved ranging from the HR Director of Intercontinental Hotels, a Formula 1 Engineer, Actors and a Commercial Technical Manager (Me!)”