Future in Action

Future in Action

Nominate your Urban Site

Does your site have a biodiversity plan in place?

It’s not only the large quarries in the countryside which need to think about how to help nature, all of our urban sites – Readymix, Building Products and Asphalt – can also do their bit for nature whether you have a tiny strip of land by your entrance or a spare space which is currently a bit of a mess, it can all potentially be used to support wildlife and plants.  It’s not just the right thing to do, now it is a legal requirement.

Net gain for nature is a new initiative from the government which encourages sites in more urban areas to adopt biodiversity plans so there is an overall biodiversity net gain.  To comply with this new law local authorities are compiling Local Nature Recovery Strategies. These will highlight the types of habitats that should be encouraged within their areas. In urban locations this is likely to include features such as wildflower strips, ponds, meadow, scrub, or even wooded areas.

The legislation works by giving credits for areas that improve biodiversity outcomes. Work to create wildlife friendly areas in Urban locations score particularly well. This potentially allows CEMEX UK to offset impacts at other locations where we might have to compensate for a Biodiversity Loss.

If you would like your urban site to do its bit and help reduce the impact our business has on nature please contact Sean Cassidy: sean.cassidy@cemex.com and nominate your site for a biodiversity plan.