The article is from BBC Cumbria.It explains how a local Asphalt producer (Jobling Purser) have utilised a pelletised form of recycled plastic and used this to make Asphalt.
Cumbria County Council have approved the mix and are now looking to use the product on new jobs. They also achieve a RAP usage of 30%. The link to the Jobling Purser Plant is below:
Here is the article:
“Partially ‘plastic’ roads are being introduced around Cumbria following a successful trial by the County Council. The authority was the first in England to incorporate a plastic-based material made from recycled waste into the standard asphalt used in resurfacing.
After a few smaller projects last year, it was used in the recent £200,000 resurfacing of the A7 in Carlisle.
The Council said it was “very pleased” with the results and would be rolling it out in a number of other locations.
For the A7 works, using the recycled plastic material involved the equivalent of off-setting 500,000 plastic bottles and more than 800,000 one-use plastic carrier bags.
Stephen Hall, Cumbria County Council’s Assistant Director for Highways, Transport and Fleet, said: “Our industry does have a significant environmental impact – we use a lot of oil-based products and aggregate that comes out of Quarries. So any opportunity that we get to try and mitigate some of that has to be of benefit.”