Future in Action

Future in Action

Raising awareness of CMV

Dan Harrison, one of our vendors, who has carried out a lot of work on our Hatfield site is raising awareness of CMV a virus which can cause serious birth defects in children. June is CMV awareness month and Dan asked us to help.

Dan tells us why:   “We are mainly want to bring awareness to cytomegalovirus (CMV), which is a virus that is not widely known about but effects many babies, children and adults.  Please visit https://cmvaction.org.uk which provides all the information about this virus and also the great work that CMV Action are doing.  CMV is a common virus in the herpes family which is harmless most of the time, except for those with impaired immune systems — and to a developing foetus.

Some of you may know that unfortunately that our youngest child has been severely effected by congenital CMV which has caused cerebral palsy in all four limbs along with many other difficulties.  Fortunately, his diagnosis was early so he had the best possible start, but it often goes undetected for months and even years.  Although his challenges are far from over, he is a very happy little boy and his cheeky side often shows through!

CMV Action helped us a lot when Alfie was first born and continues to help us – they are also doing amazing work to try and bring awareness and ultimately eradicate this horrible virus.

My wife and I will be taking part in the Herts Health Enduro Sportif 109km bike ride on the 11th July, hopefully raise as much money for this amazing charity (with our entrance fee also going towards the North Herts Hospitals).  Please see our fundraising page to read more:


Anything you can donate to this charity will be very much appreciated, but our main objective is to bring awareness so please take time to learn about CMV by going to the CMV Action website https://cmvaction.org.uk