On Thursday 19th October at the Royal Society, BBC Radio 4’s Farming Today presenter, Sybil Ruscoe, will explore the contribution our industry will continue to make to biodiversity and nature conservation in a post Brexit world. Members and an invited audience from the World of Nature Conservation will also share best practice through the MPA Restoration Awards and MPA Biodiversity Awards in association with Natural England. The winners of the Nature Photo Competition will revealed.
Registration with a buffet lunch will commence at 12.00pm. Proceedings will conclude by 5.00pm followed by a drinks reception with the opportunity to network with representatives from organisations who work in partnership with the MPA.
To reserve a place please contact Mary Burling on telephone 07855 958 434 or email mary.burling@mineralproducts.org
Register on the MPA members site at http://members.mineralproducts.org by filling out the on-screen form. You will then be sent a validation email for access to a wealth of information on the mineral products industry.
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