Future in Action

Future in Action

South Coast Readymix Team Lend-A-Hand At Hove Hospice

On 23rd August the South Coast Readymix team returned to lend-a-hand at Martlets Hospice in Hove, East Sussex. Area Manager, Adam Leverett, explains: “We have a great relationship with Martlets and are now in our fourth year of volunteering for them. The team split into pairs and helped sort through mountains of donations of clothes, toys and books. We also helped check and label hundreds of CDs and DVDs for their nine stores and their online shop. The charity is always extremely grateful for our support.”

Their Director of Income Generation, Sally Brighton, commented that they always see a real boost in their sales after our team have been in, as we sorted almost 200 bags of donations ready to be distributed to their stores before the Bank Holiday weekend.  Brilliant work Adam and team!

In the group picture from left to right – Steve Thorpe (Regional Technical Manager), Mariska Hutt (Shipping Team Leader), Scott Beadle (Operations Manager), Richard Endacott (Operations Manager) and Courtney Banham (Area Sales Manager).