Future in Action

Future in Action

Swinderby Quarry Lend-A-Hand

Witham St Hughs Allotments Society approached Swinderby Quarry (their neighbours) to see if they could assist with improving the access way to the plots.The bad state of the path was causing issues for all parties as the cars were unable to access the plots due to the mud and uneven surfaces.

Gary Pell, Assistant Quarry Manager, liaised with John Lane from the Allotments Society and met him on site to see if CEMEX could help.  So on Wednesday 19 April the troops were rallied (Garry, Daniel Gosling, Supervisor and Graham Scott, Operative) and a plan was put in place to create a stone path around the site – see before and after pictures above.

The Allotment Society thanked the Quarry staff for their assistance and said that all of their members were very happy with the new path.