CEMEX and RSPB share concerns about the loss of nature and climate change. But without concerted pan-global efforts through legally binding agreements, nature continues to be threatened by humanity.
Humans have proven through working globally to find a COVID vaccine, that we can achieve great things when we work together across political and geographical boundaries.
The RSPB are asking you to support their ‘Revive Our World’ campaign ahead of next years global climate summit. Please add your signature to their petition using this link: https://www.rspb.org.uk/our-work/rspb-news/news/stories/revive-our-world-launch2/
And spread the word through social media – talk to any young person and they will tell you how important it is to act now for our future.
Need more convincing?
The pandemic brought much of the world to a standstill and for many, nature has never felt more important. From exercising in green spaces to watching garden birds, the realisation that nature is a crucial part of our lives, including for our mental and physical wellbeing, has never been more apparent.
But while we need nature, it needs us too. Our wildlife continues to disappear. The 2019 State of Nature report revealed:
- 41% of species assessed have decreased over the past 10 years
- 15% of all wildlife in the UK is now threated with extinction
- 2% are already extinct
- Butterflies are down 16% since the 1970s and familiar birds like the house sparrow have vanished by more than half in the last 40 years
- 40 million birds have vanished from the UK’s skies in the last half-century
- One species, the turtle dove – the UK’s only migratory dove – has declined by 93% since the 1970s, with threats including habitat loss, hunting and disease.
A lost decade for nature
The launch of the campaign comes after a major United?Nations?report, which will show a global failure?to?halt environmental decline?over the last 10 years, which the RSPB is calling ‘a lost decade for nature.’
In their report, ‘A Lost Decade for Nature’, the RSPB will reveal that the UK may?have met as few as just three of the 20 international targets it agreed to a decade ago, and in six areas such as loss of species and how well our land is managed for nature the UK has?actually?gone backwards.?The RSPB believes the cause for this failure is that the targets were not legally binding, so governments were not compelled to act.
When we read information like this, the future can seem frightening and the task ahead overwhelming or feel like whatever we do as individuals it isn’t enough. However, we can do something, and we must try and if enough of us take action then the task ahead will be ‘do-able’.
The crisis facing nature is huge- but if everyone works together, we can achieve the impossible. And when we say everyone, we mean everyone – including politicians with the power to make big changes and shape the world we want to live in. The next 12 months leading up the UN COP26 Climate Summit in Glasgow in 1st -12th November 2021 will decide the next 30 years for nature, and this is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to save the UK’s nature – for people, for wildlife, for the climate…
Revive Our World – is the RSPB’s Green Recovery Plan for England with four key asks of the UK Government that will help to revive our natural world.
The RSPB’s four key policy asks are:
- Put tackling the nature crises at the heart of all government decisions — secure in legislation independent oversight and accountability processes alongside ambitious and robust targets.
- Commit to investing in a greener and fairer economy.
- Create and implement a major recovery plan for our land, freshwater and seas, including a fundamental reform of food and farming policies so that they support the recovery of nature.
- Reduce the UK’s ecological and carbon footprint through nature-based climate solutions and by securing truly transparent and sustainable trading arrangements and reforming consumption patterns.
What can we do to help?
If you’re keen to support the RSPB’s campaign, click through the link below where you can find out more and sign the petition asking leaders to put legally binding targets in place to Revive our World
Find out more: https://www.rspb.org.uk/our-work/rspb-news/news/stories/revive-our-world-launch2/