Future in Action

Future in Action

Tough Mudder Event In Support Of The Combat Stress Charity

Scott Saunders is taking part in the Tough Mudder event to raise awareness of the charity, Combat Stress.  The Tough Mudder obstacles are world famous for pushing the physical and mental boundaries of what a human can do – from jumping into breathtakingly cold water and ice, to being subjected to a mild electric shock – TMHQ works hard every year to surprise and challenge its participants.

Scott left the forces just over three years ago and appreciates the “amazing” work this charity does for veterans.  Combat Stress provides free specialist mental health treatment to veterans of the UK Armed Forces. They treat conditions including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, depression and anxiety at their three treatment centres and also through their network of community teams.

If anyone would like to support the charity by either sponsoring Scott or making a small donation, please click on the link below:
