There is a trial underway at Rugby to cut out the use of single-use plastic cups – our Sustainability Team arranged for a reusable water container to be sent to all working at the Rugby office. The objective is to do our bit to take out single-use plastics, and if it is successful the intention is to also take out our coffee cups which cannot be recycled. If the trial works it will be rolled out to other offices and sites.
Single-use plastics or disposable plastics are used only once before they are thrown away or recycled, i.e. plastic bags, straws, coffee stirrers, soda and water bottles and most food packaging. Worldwide only 10-13% of plastic items are recycled. The nature of petroleum based disposable plastic makes it difficult to recycle and new virgin materials and chemicals must be added to it to make it recyclable. Additionally, there are a limited number of items for which recycled plastic can be used. Many retailers now charge for the use of a non-recyclable shopping bag or coffee cup and we are keen to do the right thing for our environment and a sustainable future.