Future in Action

Future in Action

We Cannot Walk Alone

This week is Refugee Week.  It is a UK-wide festival celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary. Founded in 1998 and held every year around World Refugee Day on the 20th June, Refugee Week is also a growing global movement.

With PAN Intercultural Arts as one of our community partners – an organisation who work with refugees through arts and theatre to help change their lives – this is a particularly relevant week: https://www.pan-arts.net/

Earlier this year, we interviewed John Martin, Artistic Director at PAN and Andlyn White, CEMEX UK’s Social impact Specialist for the In the Mix podcast. If you didn’t hear it at the time and would like to find out more about the work PAN do, and how CEMEX supports them, you can listen here: https://cemexuknews.co.uk/downloads/download-info/in-the-mix-march-2021/

The website www.refugeeweek.org.uk has some simple ways you can celebrate or learn more about how refugees enrich and contribute to our society.  There are events you can get involved in, films you can watch or some simple acts to get more engaged and grow your understanding of refugee experiences.