Future in Action

Future in Action

Wear it Pink this Friday

Friday is creeping upon us and Wear It Pink is just around the corner!

Don’t forget to enter the raffle and donate your commute! Follow the links below to do so:

Raffle: https://raffall.com/132229/enter-raffle-to-win-wear-it-pink-hosted-by-andlyn-white

Donate: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/2020wearitpink

[Note: clicking through the links will not work on Internet explorer, they will need to be copied and pasted into Chrome or Firefox]

In case you’ve forgotten, the raffle prizes are:

First Prize: an Amazon Echo

Second Prize: £40 Amazon voucher

Third Prize: £20 Amazon voucher

And remember, we want to see you dressed in PINK! There’s a £15 Amazon voucher up for grabs for the best dressed, and we want to see EVERYONE in pink, so take some inspiration from gorgeous Lottie the Cavapoo in her little pink sun hat, and dress up everyone, including your pets!

Send us your pics between now and Friday to be in with the chance of winning!