Health & Safety

Health & Safety

5S in Action at Dry Mortar Sites

In 2024 two of our Dry Mortars sites have seen fantastic improvements made implements 5S projects. These have been made in line with the UK Improvement Plan which aims to complete 12 5S projects this year.

5S projects are a fantastic opportunity for sharing and learning so we are delighted to share with you two projects from Bletchley Dry Mortar depot and Via Nova, Specialist Solutions, Dove Holes.

Bletchley Dry Mortar Depot

This project aimed to dismantle a redundant tanker unloading system. The benefits included the opening up of a walkway along trackside making it easier for colleagues to clean under and around the raised walkway structure.

The overall cost was less than £3,000, resulting in an environment which is in order, easier to clean with less manual handling issues.

Well done to the local team for their hard work to improve their working area.

Via Nova, Specialist Solutions, Dove Holes

This project was aimed at excavating the ground and utilising a second-hand channel to redirect slurry.

The plant at Dove Holes is at the bottom of a hill and every time it rained slurry was washed to where the trucks get loaded causing slip, trip and fall hazards, plus a manual handling hazard effecting all staff, drivers, fitting staff and visitors.

Following a £12,000 CapEx investment the loading area is now much easier to keep clean and the drainage now diverts any slurry to an area where a machine can deal with it. A win win for everyone.

Well done to the local team for their hard work to improve their working area.