Although it is pleasing to report on an accident free week, I am deeply concerned by two incidents that occurred during the week and that could have resulted in severe injuries. These incidents could both have been avoided if our basic safety rules had been properly respected, starting with “STOP, THINK & CHECK” principles and with applying the learning of our Safety Alerts. This is especially the case with the tipper truck that hit a cable when he raised the body of his vehicle.… I am concerned that trucks can still be caught raising their body while moving after we recently issued a detailed Safety Alert with a video attached to exemplify the risks. I, therefore, urge everyone to make sure we capitalise on the learnings of past incidents and that Safety Alerts are properly communicated and explained to everyone in the business. These Alerts are vital to helping us all look after each other.
On a much more positive note, it is great to learn that two of our activities, logistics and Atlantic Pumps have been short listed in the MPA Health and Safety Awards for their Health and Safety best practices and performance. I also want to personally commend our Materials Teams in Scotland who have been recognised with a President’s Award in the RoSPA Occupational Health and Safety Awards as a result of 12 consecutive Gold Awards. You all stand as an example of Health and Safety dedication, teamwork and leadership; well done and please carry on!!
I wish you all a safe and enjoyable week. Please pay specific caution of low activity in the UK, preceding the long weekend when activity is low, the inherent risk is to relax attention and focus. So, please stay alert!
Take care, Michel