Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Actions Save Lives

As we approach the Christmas break, please remember to continue to follow the Four Behaviours that Save Lives, as well as the specific lockdown measures for your area.

We can still have a jolly Christmas whilst following the safe behaviours – it will just be a little different this year!  Continue to play your part to protect yourselves and others around you. Remember:

  1. Identify Symptoms, self-isolate and inform
  2. Personal Hygiene
  3. Physical Distance
  4. Protect yourself and others

The RRT recently emailed everyone a testimonial from Paul Dale, who has recently recovered from COVID.  He works at the Springetts Coating plant in Stoke-on-Trent.  The testimonial can be found in the download section of the UK News website here

One thing which was crucial in dealing with his illness was his quick communication with Line Manager, Les Luxon, when Paul thought he had symptoms, so they could help put in place measure to stop the spread at the plant and ensure Paul and his family were OK.