Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Aston Readymix Upgrade Final Stages

Having been identified as one of the UK’s key Readymix Units, a project team were assembled to not only future proof and increase capacity mechanically but also to consider the needs of staff, visitors and contractors.

Following a healthy release of CAPEX reinforcing the unit’s current performance and its future potential, the plant’s capacity and environmental footprint were suitably improved ensuring we remain the best operational unit serving the Birmingham area.

In addition to mechanical upgrades and improvements, key improvements were made to the working environment for staff and visitors, including upgraded welfare units, new batch control cabins increasing all round visibility including CCTV, new walkways and driver aid improvements in the yard. These all add to the safety and wellbeing of anyone on the unit.

The final piece in this phase is the full plant painting which is underway.  Thank you to Alan Caird for this update on Aston.

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