Last week we had a narrow escape from a serious LTI when a contracted loaded tipper on one of our sites rolled away 30 metres down a hill and across the site entrance, before being brought to rest by a soft verge and hedge. It seems the driver of the tipper had got out of the vehicle to speak to weighbridge staff, leaving the engine running and without applying the handbrake. Thankfully, the tipper stopped before crossing a cycle path and going on to a main road otherwise the consequences could have been severe.
It is a particular concern that this is the second runaway vehicle involving the same haulage contractor at the same site in the last 12 months. Vehicle runaways are not uncommon and have been associated with many fatalities in the past. It is imperative that when leaving a vehicle unattended the handbrake is applied and the vehicle secured.
It should be noted that when work is being carried out on or around a vehicle it is a CEMEX requirement that in addition to the vehicle being parked on level ground, with the handbrake applied, engine off and door secured, wheel chocks must also be applied.
It is essential that we learn and take action as a result of previous incidents; furthermore it is important that we only work with contractors who hold Health & Safety as a core value and maintain high standards.