Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Beware Of Vunerable Road Users – Pedestrians And Cyclists

There was one incident of note this week where a pedestrian was extremely fortunate to avoid serious injury when she stepped off the pavement straight in front of a company tipper vehicle without checking the road was clear.  Fortunately, the driver was quick to brake which meant that the pedestrian’s injuries weren’t too severe, and she was released from hospital following checks having only suffered bruising.

A Video Safety Alert will be produced once the investigation into this incident is complete.  In the interim, one learning point we can all consider relates to the fact it was reported that the pedestrian may have been wearing headphones at the time of the incident.  When out on the road, whether on foot, travelling by bike or in a vehicle, it is essential we remain alert to what is around us.  Devices such as mobile phones, MP3 Players, etc. can impair our senses and leave us at a greater risk of injury.