Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Building Products Health & Safety Forum “Take to the High Seas”

Thankfully, not literally as the boat was in dock unloading its cargo. Sharing best practice and knowledge is an essential part of our Health and Safety culture.

Last month the Building Product forum had the opportunity to visit a CEMEX dredger called the Sand Heron near Brighton.  The team had a tour round the workings of the ship, from the engine room, dredging pumps to the welfare blocks and bridge. The Crew spent three weeks on the ship dredging sand and stone at specific locations on the south coast under license from the Crown. The cargo, normally 5 tonnes at a time, is essentially sucked up like a hoover and then discharged at various points along the coast including our own Northfleet Factory.  Tony Green commented: “It was encouraging to see the ship adopting the same high standards as on dry land under what can be very challenging circumstances.”