A National Health and Safety Award, known as the Safety Sword, has been presented to the part of the business demonstrating the best health and safety performance since 1966; a demonstration of the long term commitment to health and safety that runs throughout our business….
Competition to win the Safety Sword has become increasingly strong over the years, with finalists from each business sector being selected based on key performance indicators such as incident performance, health and safety management audit and site inspection scores and HSE interaction. The five finalists then prepare written submissions and present to the UK Senior Team to select the top two. This year the short-list was Dry Silo Mortar and Cement Logistics. In order to ensure independence Kevin Stevens (Health and Safety Manager at the Minerals Products Association) was asked to judge the overall winner. After reviewing the submissions, spending two days visiting the operations and much deliberation, it was agreed that the 2015 winners should be Cement Logistics.
In making his decision Kevin commented that it was clear why Dry Silo Mortar and Cement Logistics made the final two, with a clear commitment from everyone he met to look after each other and a very professional approach to health and safety. In terms of Cement Logistics, Kevin made specific reference to their efforts to continue to develop health and safety standards and, in particular, the training and health and safety awareness of the new Driver Apprentices.
Congratulations go to everyone in Cement Logistics who will be presented with their Award in the coming weeks.