Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Cement Logistics Reaches 100% FORS Target

Cement Logistics is the first Logistics function to hit the target of 100% FORS (Freight Operators Recognition Scheme) in July – a superb achievement – with all Hauliers used being FORS Accredited (95%) or Registered (5%). The stretch target was set for July 2017, ahead of the end of 2017 target, and was reached by strong collaboration with hauliers, Sean Page visiting and sharing his FORS Accredited Auditor status knowledge, completing full gap analysis, and enabling hauliers to fully prepare for their formal qualification audit.

Many hauliers took a lot of convincing that FORS was the best for both their own, and CEMEX businesses and Sean committed a large amount of his time to answering questions/concerns, by being visible to the Hauliers, the majority of whom he had not met before in his relatively new role.