Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Cement TRI In Rugby

We are reporting the fourth week in a row (until 1st Feb) with Zero LTI in Europe Cement Operations for employees and contractors.

But we have to report a Medical Treatment Injury (TRI) in Rugby Cement Plant. A rope access contractor suffered a small cut above his eye, which had to be cleaned and glued in hospital.  The contractor was working with colleagues during major shutdown to remove 50kg metal plates from inside the top of a cyclone, when three of the plates move down, with one striking his safety helmet; it is thought the impact on his integral full-face visor caused the small cut.

It is likely that far more serious injury would have resulted if it was not for the planning of the high-risk work being carried out and the method of work selected, along with strict supervision.  A Safety Alert will be shared to explain the full circumstances of the incident.  Site teams will be asked to review this carefully to ensure suitable precautions are in place across all Cement Plants when similar activities are carried out.