Health & Safety

Health & Safety

“Considerate Driving at all Times”

It is always great to receive positive feedback when we seek it from our customers during customer surveys, however, to receive unsolicited praise from a member of the public is even better!

Recently Paul Denton, a Councillor from the Peak Forest Parish Council, sent Andy Taylor, UK Health & Safety Director, an email to pass on to the Cemex drivers who use the A623 (a long winding road across the Peak District near our Dove Holes quarry). Paul wrote:

“A massive thank you from all the residents of Peak Forest for your considerate driving at all times of the day and night as you pass through the village. We really do appreciate your professionalism. I have seen on numerous occasions other HGVS trying to get your drivers to speed up, by closing up to them quickly, but they have stuck to the speed limit, highly commendable. I do hope you can pass this message on.”

In sharing this message with the team Andy Taylor said: “Your team deserve a lot of credit for this, in particular the local management and all the drivers… really well done, makes me proud of what the team achieve on a daily basis.”

Well done to all the drivers who regularly use this road – you are all a credit to Cemex.