Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Continue Reporting of Near Miss/Hazard Alerts

There has been a reduction in the number of Near Miss / Hazard Alert cards received from across the business. These are a fundamental part of our safety efforts and ensure that potential risks are spotted and resolved before they cause any issues.

Please can all employees on site ensure they are reporting any risks, even if they are able to make it safe themselves. We understand that employees are trying to prevent the potential spread of Coronavirus by minimising sharing of pens and paperwork and appreciate these efforts, but NM/HAs should be logged through the INTELEX system, either via the app or on desktop. Please raise anything you have spotted with your supervisor if you are not able to access the system yourself, and they can register it on your behalf.

Additionally, remember that the INTELEX system has a ‘COVID-19 Related?’ field to enable greater visibility of concerns and suggested improvements in relation to how we manage the risks from Coronavirus.

Thank you all for your commitment to Health & Safety; we are very grateful for all you do to keep our teams safe, so they can go home to their families at the end of every day. Remember to Step In and provide constructive feedback if you see anyone acting in a way that is unsafe. Likewise, if you are challenged, please react appropriately to this and take the intervention on board.