Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Contractor Safety – AVETTA System

The increase in contractor LTIs this year across Europe is cause for concern and, as highlighted previously, we need to sustain the extra focus on contractor safety throughout the rest of this month. We need to ensure we effectively plan any contract works, only use approved contractors who have received an appropriate induction and Permit to Work, and who are monitored through close and effective supervision while working for us.

Thanks go to Stuart Glover from Cement Operations for taking the time to record the advantages of the AVETTA contractor verification system and, in particular, their EmployeeGUARD functionality, which is used to track the competency of individual contract personnel.

If you don’t use it in your part of the business please watch the video and see if you think if would help you. Contact your Health & Safety Manager if you think it would be of use.

Please see the link: