Health & Safety

Health & Safety

COVID-19 Update – Reminder: What should I do if I have COVID?

We have noticed a steady increase in the number of Coronavirus cases reported in the business, which correlates with an uplift in the wider population.

While Coronavirus restrictions have been lifted in the UK, some Government guidelines are still in place and we, therefore, ask all our employees to continue to take precautions if they have, or suspect they may have, COVID.

A reminder of these requirements is below:

  1. If you have symptoms of Coronavirus:
  • Stay at home and avoid close contact with others, until you no longer have a temperature or feel ill.
  • The Government has a full list of symptoms that can be accessed here. The list continues to include a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, plus loss or change to sense of smell or taste. 
  1. If you test positive for Coronavirus:
  • Stay at home and avoid close contact with others for five days after the day you took the test.
  • You can return to work five full days after your positive test.
  • Avoid those who are considered to be at higher risk of becoming seriously unwell, for 10 days after the day you took your test/ 
  1. If you are a close contact of someone with Coronavirus:
  • Avoid those who are considered high risk.
  • Limit close contact with others outside your household, particularly in crowded, enclosed or poorly ventilated spaces.
  • Wear a well-fitting face covering when in public spaces or if you need to have close contact with others. 
  1. Safe behaviours should still be followed:
  • Ensure you are fully vaccinated and get any boosters available to you.
    • In particular, the Government has highlighted the importance for those who are pregnant be vaccinated.
  • Ensure good ventilation in indoor spaces including workplaces and offices – use CO2 monitors in meeting rooms where available.
  • Good hygiene practices, such as regular handwashing and sanitisation of communal areas.
  • Continue to make use of digital meeting platforms where face to face isn’t essential. 
  1. Consider wearing a face mask:
  • When case numbers are high.
  • If you are in close contact with someone deemed to be at higher risk.
  • If you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive.
  • In crowded and enclosed spaces.

Note: face coverings should be well fitting and 2ply or 3ply wherever possible 

Finally, remember that all positive cases amongst the workforce should still be recorded via the dedicated online form, accessible here

If you have any questions, please speak to a member of the Health & Safety Team.