Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Driving Home For Christmas….

With Christmas just around the corner and the ongoing festivities, please be reminded of the dangers of Drink Driving. We all know the risks associated with Drink Driving, but a lot of people don’t realise how long alcohol can stay in your system:

  • It takes a lot longer than most people think for alcohol to pass through the body.
  • On average it takes around one hour per unit of alcohol, though this can vary depending on a number of factors.
  • Because of this, there is a real risk that people who would not dream of driving after drinking may still be unwittingly over the drink drive limit the morning after.
  • This includes people going about everyday activities such as driving to work, taking the children to school, going to the shops or going to see friends.

Around 5,500 people fail a breath test in the morning each year – an average of 15 per day.

58% of people who drink four or more pints on a big night out admit to driving the morning afterwards, with only one in three of those aware that they could be over the limit.

Please share this with your friends and colleagues and play the Video Safety Alert.  Download from the Health & Safety Sharepoint:

Why not run a campaign to and provide breathalysers for your employees and their families to raise awareness of the hazards of drinking and the morning after effect? – they’ll be surprised!