Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Enhancing Safety with Rail Safety Awareness Training

The Rail Safety Awareness course is a one-day programme that provides a comprehensive introduction to the unique world of Rail operations and rail safety at Cemex.

The course ensures that rail safety is given the same level of priority that Cemex places upon all other areas of Health and Safety across its business and is crucial for gaining a good level of understanding of the specific safety protocols and procedures necessary for working in and around our sites where we have active Rail operations.

Participants spend the day in a classroom setting, gaining invaluable insights into rail safety protocols, followed by an opportunity to apply these learnings at the rail sidings located at our rail depot sites.

Why Rail Safety Matters 

Rail operations present unique challenges and hazards that differ significantly from those in other areas of our business. Ensuring that our employees are equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate this environment is essential for maintaining safe working at our sites where rail operations are present. This course reinforces Cemex’s commitment to safety by focusing on critical areas such as:

  • Understanding rail-specific hazards and risks.
  • Proper procedures for working around rail infrastructure.
  • Emergency response protocols tailored to rail operations.
  • Best practices for loading and unloading materials safely.

Who Should Attend? 

The Rail Safety Awareness course is beneficial for a wide range of employees including:

  • Anyone working at a site with a railhead in operation.
  • Colleagues from a health and safety background.
  • Individuals responsible for transportation or supply chain activities.
  • Employees interested in gaining a deeper understanding of our rail operations.

Continuing to build a Safety-First Culture 

Participation in the Rail Safety Awareness course is about continuing to build a culture where safety is the foundation of all our activities. This training empowers employees with the knowledge needed to identify potential hazards, make informed decisions, and take proactive steps to ensure their own safety and that of their colleagues. The Rail Safety Awareness course reflects this commitment to health and safety by ensuring that rail safety is integrated seamlessly into our overall safety strategy.

Join us in Prioritising Rail Safety 

We encourage all employees involved in rail operations and those at sites where rail operations are present to take advantage of this valuable training. By completing the Rail Safety Awareness course, you will contribute to a safer, more efficient workplace and help Cemex continue to set the standard for safety excellence in the industry.

What our people say about the course 

“Part of my job roll requires me to access Rail Siding Depots within Cemex. The Rail Safety Awareness Course provided me with bespoke training in basic railway safety giving me knowledge to not only keep myself safe, but also the understanding to know when to Step In if required, to keep others safe whilst out on track. It also gave me greater understanding of not only the potential trackside hazards, but also how we as a business should be controlling train movements safely and correctly maintaining our infrastructure.”

Lee Wairing, Health & Safety Advisor

“The Rail Safety Awareness course has given me an excellent overview of our rail operations and the additional safety procedures that these sites must take to ensure that we continue to prioritise health and safety across our organisation. I feel more confident of knowing what potential hazards to look out for at our rail sites and in understanding some of the language that is used that is unique to the rail industry.”

Andy Richmond, UK Communications Manager

Find out more or arrange your place on a future course

If you or any member of your team are interested in learning more about our rail safety operations, then contact Tracey Millen via, to find out more about the course and how you can take part.