Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Families – Playbook

As lockdown eases and shops and hospitality businesses open up again, it is vital that we all remain vigilant to the ongoing risks of the pandemic.

It is great to have the opportunity to go out more, but we must all do what we can to keep our families and others safe so we can prevent other people from becoming ill like Jhon and his family.

To help with this, CEMEX Global has created a Playbook focused on our time away from work.  This Playbook utilises the four behaviours that save lives, which have been well-adopted throughout the business and are now in place at our CEMEX sites.

It’s key that outside of work, we all use the same four behaviours with our family and friends:

  • Keep washing and sanitising your hands and maintain physical distance wherever you are.
  • If you experience any symptoms, stay at home in quarantine and gain medical advice if symptoms worsen.
  • Follow government guidelines on travel and if possible use your own transport – avoid planes, buses, trains and if travel is essential, take precautions and protect yourselves.
  • Keep using online services if possible to avoid shops, banks, busy public spaces.
  • Follow latest government guidelines on social gatherings with family and friends.
  • Reinforce behaviours with your other family members, particularly young children and more vulnerable people.

For more detail on how to keep your family and friends safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic, see the new CEMEX COVID Family Playbook, which can be found here.