Recent analysis of our Total Recordable Incidents (TRI’s) between 2011 and 2014 showed that slips, trips and falls contributed to almost 50% of LGV Driver TRI’s.
Did you know that you are twice as likely to suffer a slip, trip or fall in the month of February?
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) publicise that slips/trips/falls are the commonest cause of injuries in UK workplaces and each year slips and trips cause 11,000 major injuries, over 80% of which result in fractures and over 90% of those injured are absent from work for at least one week.
HSE Typical causes/examples:-
- Over 50% of major injuries result from slips/trips/falls on floors, pavements, steps and stairs
- Spillage of wet and dry substances cause over 10% of major injuries
- Human factors such as poor perception of risks and failures to identify, report and manage them, play a major factor.
These incidents can easily be avoided by:-
- Following the principles of MYSPACE at all times
- Using the Near Miss Hazard Alert process
- Stepping in
Over the next few weeks a number of posters will be published as an awareness campaign for not only LGV drivers but as a reminder to us all. The first one is published in this week’s edition. Please ensure you display on notice boards, particularly in areas where drivers are likely to see this. Also, use as a focus point of discussion at safety meetings.