The Global Safety Alert outlines an incident involving a company vehicle, which reversed into a member of the public after completing a delivery at a customer’s site; tragically the member of public died as a result of his injuries.
It is concerning to learn that the vehicle was not fitted with the full range of safety features, including a rear view camera or proximity sensor, and class V mirror. When reviewing the Alert with employees and contractors, please stress the importance of all round visibility from the driver’s seat, with the need for visibility aids being formally assessed, and a robust daily inspection scheme to ensure all safety features are operational.
On company sites, traffic management plans should be designed to minimise the need for reversing. When reversing at customer sites, company sites, or on the public highway, it is essential, as drivers, we ensure our route is clear.
Please consider whether any additional controls are required to minimise the potential for this type of incident.
The Alert should also be displayed on relevant noticeboards and can be found in the download section of the UK News website: Safety Alert - member of public fatally injured (787 downloads)
CEMEX Global Protocols require all Fatal Alerts to be communicated and Managers to capture the signature of employees and contractors to confirm they have received and understood the information and the control measures they need to adopt. In addition, operations are invited to observe a one minute silence in memory of the deceased at the time of discussing a Fatal Incident Safety Alert.