Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Global Safety Alert

A Global Safety Alert has been released, focused on a recent tragic incident in our overseas operations, where an employee died after becoming entangled in the conveyor of a mobile crushing machine.

For those who have been in our business for some time, the Alert may remind you of the incident we suffered on a quarry in the UK back in 2009, where a contractor sadly died in very similar circumstances; the contractor, Gary Ward, was 43 and had two children.

If we are to avoid future tragedies, it is essential we use Safety Alerts as an opportunity to remind ourselves of the hazards and risks in our operations and also to check we have robust safety measures in place… please discuss the Global Alert with your teams, including relevant contractors, and take the opportunity to check isolation procedures are well understood, ensuring machinery is isolated before any guards and other safety devices are removed, including on all mobile and contracted equipment.

The Alert can be downloaded from the UK News website:  Safety Alert - Employee Fatally Injured (841 downloads)   The Alert should be displayed on relevant noticeboards.

CEMEX Global Protocols require all Fatal Alerts to be communicated and Managers to capture the signature of employees and contractors to confirm they have received and understood the information and the control measures they need to adopt.  In addition, operations are invited to observe a one minute silence in memory of the deceased at the time of discussing a Fatal Incident Safety Alert.