Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Global Safety Alert

The latest Global Safety Alert relates to the death of a contractor who was trapped inside a Concrete plant mixer when it started. The contractor was 39 years of age and is the second person to die in our EMEA Region because of entanglement in machinery, this year.

There are several learning points from the incident, starting with one of our fundamental Safety Essentials, “Never work on live or moving machinery – always “lock out””.

Discuss the Alert with your team(s), considering whether:

  • Isolation procedures are robust: clear, concise, readily available / displayed and understood.
  • Personnel are trained and regularly refreshed in the procedures, with everyone encouraged to highlight any concerns or improvement opportunities.
  • In addition to standard LOTOTO (lock out, tag out, try out) procedures, entry into Concrete plant mixers must be restricted with trap key interlock systems.
  • Compliance with safety procedures is regularly monitored by Supervisors.
  • We always Take 5 to ensure we STOP & THINK before starting a new task, and gain the necessary authorisation, such as a Permit to Work where necessary.
  • We STEP IN and Take 5 Together if we see anything that may be unsafe or anyone at risk of injury.
  • Everyone is clear that safety systems must NEVER be defeated, to do so would put your safety and the safety of others at risk.

Please display this alert on all relevant noticeboards. You can find the alert here

Please do all you can to eliminate any recurrence of this type of tragic incident.

Cemex Global Protocols require all Fatal Alerts to be communicated and Managers to capture the signature of employees and contractors to confirm they have received and understood the information and the control measures they need to adopt. In addition, operations are invited to observe a one-minute silence in memory of the deceased at the time of discussing a Fatal Incident Safety Alert.

Before starting any new task always STOP, THINK… & CHECK it is safe, and always STEP IN if you see anything unsafe.