As part of getting “Back to Health & Safety Basics” a key focus for Cluster 3 is to be more visible. So Cluster Manager, Jeffrey Fielding, set about completing a night time VFL and On-Road VFL at South Shields and Brunswick.
Jeffrey takes up the story: “We currently have two large Biomass silo projects running (10 day continuous pour) ex South Shields and a 6,000 m3 total pour size of 6 silos over 6 weeks requiring Monday to Friday continuous pours ex Brunswick. Both projects started this week.
As you can imagine a lot of planning beforehand was done and would like to thank Andy Paylor, Mick Larmouth, Graeme Dunlop and Paul Cooke for getting both projects off to a great start along with their respective teams, ensuring Health and Safety was always at the forefront of any meeting whether internally or with our clients.
Hopefully this will encourage others to do the same or share their own local initiatives where we slightly change our approach in delivering the “Back to Basic” Health & Safety message to help us get back to ZERO Harm.”