Health & Safety

Health & Safety

How Are We Doing With Our Steps?

Well done to everyone who is taking part in our Pedometer Challenge.  As we are in our last week hopefully you are all feeling the benefit of that additional exercise!

We have taken a look at the returns for the first couple of weeks and, as you can see from the map (the green footprints show how far we’ve walked), it looks like we’re behind our target; however, only three quarters of the teams have uploaded their steps for Week 2.   

It would be great if team leaders could bring their steps up to date so we can see how we are doing against the overall target.

Based on the data entered for the first two weeks, the top five teams so far are:

Team Name Average Steps Per Person Per Day
Southern Aggregates Logistics Drivers 19,518
Sole Survivors 17,819
Only FORS and Horses 15,517
Thorpedos 15,324
A Shaw Thing 14,415


With warm weather predicted for many parts of the UK over the next few days, enjoy your stepping but remember to keep well hydrated!