Health & Safety

Health & Safety

How do you Report a NM / HA?

We all need to be looking out for others on site, and reporting Near Miss / Hazard Alerts is a crucial way of doing this.

If you spot a potential risk while at any of our locations, don’t stay silent. Reporting is quick and easy and can be done through any of the methods below:

  1. Digitally: Our INTELEX system is a fast and convenient way to record issues. You can do this via the desktop version or alternatively download the app.
  • We’ll share a step-by-step guide for using the app later this month so look out for it!
  1. Physically: All of our locations have cards that can be filled in and returned. If you can’t spot them, ask the Site Manager.
  1. Verbally: Speak to your Supervisor and they can register it for you on your behalf.

Please also encourage contractors and visitors to highlight any Near Misses and Hazards, with a fresh pair of eyes they may spot something we have become accustomed to.

Supervisors: please speak to those in your teams (particularly those who work offline) and make sure they are able to report risks via one of the above methods.

Nothing is too trivial to be reported. Make sure to speak up if you are concerned and help to keep those around you safe!

We’ve created a useful poster which reminds everyone how they can report anything they spot. Please download from the download section in the UK News website:  How do I report a NM/HA poster (891 downloads)  and please put up at your sites.