Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Introducing our New Global Wellbeing Model

At CEMEX, our wellbeing has always been of the utmost importance.

A new Wellbeing model has been introduced to the Health & Safety Management System, to provide clarity, consistency, and common understanding, with our approach throughout CEMEX. The introduction of this model is an important step forward in our ongoing efforts to look after our people and to continue fostering a positive culture towards Health and Safety.

To aid our understanding a series of videos have been made featuring Alberto Luis de Armas, VP Organisation and Human Resources, and Richard Claydon, Global Health & Safety Director. In this first video Alberto and Richard introduce us to our Well-being model and in future videos, they will dive into the detail of each of these four pillars of the model:

  • Emotional Health: Support our employees to have a positive and healthy state of mind through techniques and practices to help effectively manage emotions, their general mood and resilience.
  • Physical Health: Foster positive habits to achieve good physical health through regular exercise, well balanced nutrition, sufficient rest, sleep, and regular health checks.
  • Financial Fitness: Provide the necessary knowledge and skills to manage personal finances, taking into consideration day-to-day needs, potential insurance requirements and retirement planning.
  • Workforce Experience: Promote the importance of a good work – life balance through the implementation of policies and by raising awareness and encouraging and supporting employees to adopt effective measures.-

You can watch the first video here:

Please take the time to understand the model, to embrace it and to discuss it with your teams.