Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Keeping Crawley Plant Safe

Crawley Plant had a surface run off pond situated at the back of the Plant behind the sand bays. This sump is deep and was guarded by handrails to protect from the deep water.

Over the years due to wear and tear, materials moving as well as general ground movement due to waterlogging the area, it required a complete safety overhaul.

The ground and pond were dug out because the pond had filled with sediment.  Concrete shuttering was made up to ensure the surrounding ground was level and secure, and safety handrails were the allowed to be put up securely. Concrete gullies were made to enable water to run off into the pond, and the pond itself had a steel mesh installed covering and protecting the deep water area.

This area is now safe for site staff and anyone who will be working in that area. If anyone unauthorised or unfamiliar were around the deep water there will not be a risk to their safety.  The water that runs off can now be collected and recycled when required.

A good job by Contractors and Phil Turner, Senior Plant Fitter, who took on the role of Project Manager.  The pictures show before, during and after. There is still a little more work to do but the area is now safe.