Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Latest Safety Alert

Thanks go to the relevant operations for sharing details of two High Potential Incidents (HiPos) described in the latest two Safety Alerts. Please review the Alerts with your teams and encourage them to report all near misses and hazards, particularly those with high potential, as it gives us all opportunity to take action to avoid future injuries.

You can find the Alerts on the UK News download page: here and here

HIPO – Driver puts himself at risk

Just over a month since sharing an Alert where two truck mixer drivers put themselves at risk while working at height, it was concerning to learn of another incident where a driver climbed out of his mixer truck rear platform and stood on the rear chute, unprotected from a fall.  We should consider the factors that may have contributed to this incident, including restrictions on washing down on the customer’s site, availability of access platforms, etc.  Please stress to your teams:

  • The need to STOP & THINK and Take 5 before starting a task.
  • Speak up if a job cannot be done safely.
  • Only carry out activities in accordance with safety procedures / safe systems of work and permitted maintenance activities.
  • Ensure we share Safety Alerts and learn from previous incidents so we can prevent future injury and suffering.

HIPO – Fire in customer hotbox

A customer collecting asphalt in a “hotbox” vehicle breached local procedures and set his vehicle alight because he didn’t isolate the vehicle gas supply before entering the site and used diesel as a release agent.  Fortunately, another customer was able to put the fire out using an extinguisher.  This incident is a reminder of the importance of having robust site rules and induction procedures, which are well communicated and enforced, alongside effective emergency procedures.

Please encourage your team members to STEP IN if they see anyone who may be at risk of injury.

The Alerts should be displayed on relevant notice boards.

Look after yourself and each other. Health and safety information and resources can be found at the following location: