Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Latest Safety Alerts

The two latest Safety Alerts both relate to incidents in our operations last month, where drivers suffered injuries getting out of their vehicle cabs.

You can find the two Safety Alerts here and here

When reviewing the Alerts with your teams, you may want to ask them how we can reduce the potential for these all-too-common types of incidents, typical answers may include:

  • Reviewing systems of work to reduce the need for drivers to get in / out of their vehicles.
  • Keeping vehicle steps clean and in good condition, reporting and repairing any defects.
  • Parking in designated areas where possible, with good ground conditions, suitable lighting and drainage.
  • Ensuring boots are properly laced, clean and with good tread.
  • Highlighting and using the correct grab handles and footholds.
  • Knowing the step configuration of the vehicle.
  • “Get a Grip” and maintaining three points of contact.
  • When stepping down to the ground, looking where you are putting your feet.
  • STEP IN (Take 5 Together) if you see anyone jumping down from a vehicle or not maintaining 3 points of contact.

Please discuss the Alerts with your teams and display them on relevant notice boards.


Health & Safety information and resources can be found at the following location