Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Latest Safety Alerts

The two latest Safety Alerts relate to recent incidents in our operations.

In one incident a contractor suffered a cracked tooth as he walked past an operation where cement mill metal media balls were being cleaned and sorted, when one was ejected towards him.  The second incident thankfully only required first aid, however, it has been reported as a High Potential (HiPo) incident after a driver trapped his hand in a remote-controlled lorry tailgate.

Please discuss the Alerts with your teams, reminding everyone of the benefit of reporting Near Miss / Hazard Alerts, particularly where there is high potential for injury, as this gives us the opportunity to share learning points and take action before someone gets hurt.

Remote controlled equipment has been a factor in a small number of serious incidents across our industry in the past, including at least two fatalities.  Where operations use equipment that is controlled remotely, the second Alert provides a good opportunity to review the safe systems of work and ensure everyone involved in the operations understands the hazards, risks and essential precautions to keep themselves and others safe.

Please discuss the Alerts with your teams and display them on relevant notice boards.

You can find the alerts on the UK News download page here and here

Please look after yourself and each other.  

Health & Safety information and resources can be found at the following location